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ESTHER TELLS ALL IRON AUTHOR was a rousing success and my one regret is I was in it and therefor not able to -watch- it. The cast consisted of Lisa Leutheuser as Chairman Kaga, her husband Joe as Ota-san, my husband WJ as Fukui-san (in his tux, looking extremely yummy), me as IA Horror, Keith DeCandido as IA SF, Josepha Sherman as IA Fantasy, Yog (James MacDonald) as the Challenger, and a judging panel consisting of editor Teresa Neilsen-Hayden, editor Amy Goldschlager, writer James Hartley and writer Shariann Lewitt. Shariann was a last-minute sub for Madeleine Robins, who fell ill. Despite lack of familiarity with the show itself, Shariann did a great job thanks to her drama training and improv skills. Yay!
Lisa had seen to it that we had all the proper IRON CHEF music on
tape with appropriately altered voiceovers. The IAs were standing at
the back of the stage, backs to the audience, and turned around when
appropriate. (We didn't rise through the floor because. . .oh come
ON, like you expected us to have stage machinery?
There was a long table with the ingredients under wraps and then. .
the Theme was announced: Battle QUEST! We pounced on the unveiled
assortment of Really Weird Stuff. I zeroed in on the inflatable
flamingo. For the actual writing, we had 15 minutes. The borrowed
electric typewriter I was using was Not My Friend so I reverted to
longhand, which Josepha also chose, while Yog and Keith used laptops.
And then. . .Reading & Judgment. When I heard how well my fellow
authors had integrated -many- ingredients into their stories
(including a rather train-wreck-fascinating obsession with a rubber
artichoke) and realzied I was using -only- the flamingo, I was
pretty sure the Challenger would take it. (After all, he not only
used many ingredients in his Quest story, but managed to integrate
all three genres! Brilliant.) So when the results were announced
and -I- won I was pretty surprised.
And no, sleeping with Fukui-san was NOT why, though some people
insisted that I won because I was the ony person who did NOT feature
the artichoke.
And so, as thousands cheered, and Ota-san once more declared his
undying love for Fukui-san (see note -- Lisa), the second IRON
AUTHOR challenge passed into the annals of literary history.
[Bows to the cheap seats]