The Object of Shame

This is the Object of Shame, aka the Shatner Burger.

The History of the Shatner Burger

The origin of the Shatner Burger is lost to the mists of time. We sought an Object of Shame that would inspire tardy group members to produce, that is, to turn in something we could critique. Victoria, UWG member emeritus, brought to us a stuffed cloth hamburger that was piled not only only with cloth tomatoes and lettuce, but also with pictures of William Shatner. From whence she acquired this object, we cannot remember, but it's destiny was clear. Victoria has since left us for Colorado and law school, but the Shatner Burger remains.

Peel back the bun...

Underneath the tomato and lettuce...

And when we flip the patty...

The picture on the right is a shirtless Kirk.

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